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Selectmen Meeting Minutes 03-03-08
The Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting on Monday, March 3, 2008 in the meeting room at the C. H. Booth Library, Main Street, Newtown, CT. ~~First Selectman Borst called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.

PRESENT:~~~~~~~~First Selectman Joseph Borst, Selectman Herbert Rosenthal, Selectman  Paul Mangiafico.

ALSO PRESENT: ~Finance Director Ben Spragg, Town Engineer Ron Bolmer, Legislative Council chairman William Rodgers, Parks and Recreation Director Barbara Kasbarian, Parks & Recreation Commission Chairman Ed Marks and Vice-Chairman P. J. Yoakum, one member of public, one member of press.

VOTER COMMENTS: ~None noted.


ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: ~The minutes of the regular meeting of February 19, 2008 will be amended to note that Mr. Mangiafico made the motion to join the coalition against increased jet traffic and also that his motion included the payment of $71,000 to join the lawsuit. Also total increase in debt service for the Town projects exclusive of Board of Education projects is “7.9%” not “99%.” Also under “Road Acceptance” add “and” before “a cause was specified.” Upon motion by Selectman Rosenthal, the minutes of the February 19, 2008 meeting were unanimously accepted as amended.


Mr. Rosenthal moved to appoint John Poeltl as the Chief Building Official. Second by Mr. Borst. Mr. Rosenthal noted that appointees need to have their terms indicated and moved to amend his motion to include a term of office for four years, through March 3, 2012. Second by Mr. Borst. Motion unanimously carried.

Mr. Rosenthal noted that the list of Appointments and Reappointments included some names other than those originally submitted. Mr. Borst said that Ms. Strickler is requesting reappointment to the WSA so that Mr. Conti’s name was removed and Pamela Buckley did not submit a resume. Mr. Rosenthal noted that at the last meeting he requested more information about the appointment of Catherine Adsitt (Rep) to the EDC and that he also had requested information on the terms that the people were being appointed or reappointed for. Mr. Borst will provide the term information at the next meeting. The appointment of Ms. Adsitt will be tabled until then. Selectman Rosenthal moved the reappointment of Michael Porco (Rep) Building Appeals Board, Lillian Strickler (Rep) Water & Sewer Authority and  Eric DaSilva (Rep) Library Board of Trustees. Second by Selectman Mangiafico and unanimously carried.

Driveway Bond Releases/Extensions. Selectman Rosenthal moved to release the $1,000 driveway bond to Blakeman Construction LLC, Leavenworth Road, Shelton, CT., bond for 78 New Lebbon Road, Assessor’s Map #46, Block #4, Lot #122. Second by Selectman Mangiafico and unanimously carried.

Driveway Bond Extension. Selectman Rosenthal moved to grant a six month extension until September 25, 2008 to Narah Tollkeeci, to complete the driveway apron at 55 Queen Street. Second by Selectman Mangiafico and unanimously carried. At this time Town Engineer Ron Bolmer left the meeting.

Employing Clerk of the Works – FFH Construction Project. The Public Building and Site Commission requests that a Clerk of the Works be hired by the Town for the High School and Town Hall projects at Fairfield Hills. Mr. Rosenthal said that it must be determined what the charge would be to the company, where we would get the money and how would the money be allocated between the two projects. He noted that O&G acted as clerk of the works for the Hawley project, as a construction manager for the High School and is now a design builder for the Town Hall. Mr. Rosenthal said that a clerk of the works reports to others  but that a design builder is the only person who answers to the owner. Selectman Mangiafico moved to engage the services of a clerk of the works as recommended by the Public Building and Site Commission to oversee for Public Building and the Board of Selectmen both the High School and the Bridgeport Hall projects. Second by Selectman Borst. Mr. Rosenthal agreed that we should go in this direction, but that we need the exact charge, how the company will divide its time, where the money will come from and how the funds will be allocated. Motion unanimously carried.

Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations Survey. Selectman Rosenthal agreed that health care costs, Federal and State mandates regarding education and mandatory arbitrations  be covered in the survey.


Mr. Mangiafico requested that the item “Selectmen’s Administration/Communications/Administrative Matters” be included as an item on all future agendas.

Transfer. Selectman Mangiafico moved to transfer from Account 01570-2001 Contingency $75,000 to Account 01510-1003 Winter Overtime $40,000 and to Account 01510-2032 Winter Salt $35,000. Second by Selectman Rosenthal. Mr. Mangiafico asked how this overtime is approved; Mr. Borst said it is triggered primarily by the weather; he does not know if it is approved by the Highway Superintendent or the Public Works Director. Mr. Rosenthal said that the On-Call person is notified about the condition of the roads by the Police Department; he decides if he can handle the matter himself or if he needs to call others; if needed, he calls the Highway Superintendent who calls the Public Works Director. He asked if Public Works discusses this overtime with Mr. Borst before, during or after storms.  Mr. Rosenthal said there is a pre-set for storms and that per Union contract employees must be paid for  a minimum of three hours for call back. Mr. Rosenthal again asked  Mr. Borst if Public Works discussed overtime with him; Mr. Borst said he talks with Mr. Hurley after a storm, not before.

Fairfield Hills – DRAFT schedule. Mr. Borst noted that on this schedule provided by O&G, a drainage study could be forwarded to STC by March 24 with early action on the application by April 2, but also notes that the STC does not meet again until April 18. Also noted is that the Town could receive a certificate by August 14. Mr. Mangiafico asked what is the impact on the Bridgeport Hall project. Mr. Borst said that this schedule does not work relative to the timing of the STC study and will ask O&G to revise the schedule. Mr. Mangiafico asked about the time impact on the project. Mr. Borst said that on May 1 we could go out to bid and award the contract by June 1, Phase II contract awarded by June 1 but that this schedule does not work. Mr. Mangiafico said there is nothing on this schedule about owner movement. Mr. Rosenthal thought that we could go out to bid before obtaining final approval by the STC. Mr. Borst said that the STC will not sign off until they have the drainage report. Legislative Council Chairman Will Rodgers noted that Representative Hovey is getting language inserted notwithstanding the STC status that the project could go forward with the education department. Mr. Borst said with violations is the understanding. Mr. Rodgers asked why did the STC approval of the drainage hold us up so long. Mr. Borst does not know and will review this with O&G. Mr. Mangiafico asked if we can go out to bid while the STC is reviewing this; Mr. Borst does not know. Mr. Rosenthal noted that the reason why we put forth the resolution last time was to create a sense of urgency rather than waiting for people to turn up something. We should take a proactive position. Mr. Borst said that he does not know how to move the people along any faster. Mr. Rosenthal said he hopes there is a sense of urgency to get this moved forward. Mr. Borst will try to get answers to this concurrently with the bids. Mr. Mangiafico asked what the most critical issue is that will impact us negatively timewise and focus on what is critical first; if we let this resolve by itself we may be here a year from now. Mr. Rosenthal noted that items such as owner movement are not on this time line and must be past September which is where this timeline ends.

Public Transit Grant (HART) Selectman Rosenthal moved “Grant Assignment Certification. The municipality of Newtown is participating in a consolidated application for State of Connecticut 13b-38bb Elderly and Disabled Demand Responsive  Municipal Grant Program through the Housatonic Area Regional Transit District (HART). The municipality of Newtown hereby assigns its grant apportionment from the State program  to HART who will coordinate the operation of  service.” Also moved “Maintenance of Effort Certification. The municipality of Newtown hereby certifies that State of Connecticut 13b-38bb Elderly and Disable Demand Responsive Municipal Grant Program funds are in addition to current municipal levels of spending on transportation programs for Senior and Persons with Disabilities. Second by Selectman Mangiafico and unanimously carried..

Architectural & Engineering Services of Planning & Design for a Park & Recreation Community Center/Senior Center. Mr. Borst explained that $600,000 in the 2007-08 budget will be carried forward to 2008-09 for architectural and engineering services for design of the Park&Recreation/Senior Center Building. The seniors agreed to go forward with the design phase. Board of Finance Chairman John Kortze said this will have very little impact on the debt service in 2008-09. Mr. Borst said that O&G advised him that the cost to demolish Litchfield Hall will be $452,000 without any management services. Mr. Spragg said that to add $1 million of borrowing costs to next year’s budget would increase debt service by just under $14,000. He said that there could be a special appropriation for construction in 2009-10. Mr. Mangiafico was advised by Walt Motyka of the Fairfield Hills Authority that the storage building on Trades Lane could be completely renovated for a new senior center for $1 million so why spend $6.5 million on a new building. Where did the idea come from that we will proceed?

Mr. Marks said that Parks and Recreation (P&R) has been actively pursuing a recreation facility and was asked to consider a facility with other groups. Mrs. Place, Senior Center Director and Mrs. Kasbarian worked out a plan for a joint building. After we moved forward a number of seniors who never voiced an opinion in the process said they wanted a separate building. We met again with the seniors and the Commission on Aging and the Commission on Aging voted to move forward with the design phase and the seniors were prepared to move forward. Mr. Marks said that P&R looked at the building on Trades Lane years ago and concluded that it was not suitable. Our proposed building will have access to things that will be available at the Newtown Youth Academy, such as a gym, track and pool. None of these would be in the building on Trades Lane and seniors would have to go by car or bus to get to them. The building on Trades Lane is narrow and low and some equipment could only be accessed by moving other equipment. The proposed new building would be 15,000 s.f. for P&R, 15,000 for the Senior Center and a pool when it is built would be 30,000 s.f. Mr. Mangiafico asked if the building will cost $6.2 million; Mrs. Kasbarian said that will not be known until an architect is hired but that an architect said that was in the ballpark.

Mr. Rosenthal said that years ago there was $7 million in the CIP ($1.2 million for the Senior Center, $2.3 million for the Recreation Center and $3.5 million for Dickinson Park.) Dickinson Park was not going forward. The Board of Selectmen then combined these and reduced them to $6.2 million and suggested a joint building.

Mr. Rodgers said that Legislative Council members are under the impression that the $1 million was deleted from the upcoming CIP and would need to be restored at the Council meeting on March 5. Now he is hearing that this is not the case. Mr. Rosenthal said that this was never in the upcoming CIP. He said that the $3.1 million and $1 million were withdrawn and that the Board of Selectmen can restore the $600,000 through the special appropriation process. Mr. Spragg said that because we are already in March, that this  probably could not be done this year. Mr. Spragg said that he will not be doing any further borrowing until next year.

Ms. Yoakum would like to see the First Selectman recommend  an appropriation for the $600,000 for this year.

Selectman Rosenthal moved a Resolution Appropriating $1,000,000 For Architectural And Engineering Services For The Planning And Design Of A Park and Recreation Community Center/Senior Center And Authorizing The Issuance Of $1,000,000 Bonds Of The Town To Meet Said Appropriation And Pending The Issuance Thereof The Making Of Temporary Borrowings For Such Purpose. Second by Selectman Borst. Mr. Mangiafico is opposed to the motion because he is not convinced that $6.2 million is a legitimate number; also in view of the furor with the seniors about not wanting to share a facility, there is no senior here to speak in behalf of the building and if they back out of the building, we could have a 30,000 s.f. building without one of the tenants. He is also not convinced that we did due diligence with the storage building and he was told that using this building for this purpose was a done deal with the State legislature. The building would be 8,000 s.f. on each of two floors with an elevator; the present Senior Center is only 2,000 s.f. Mr. Rosenthal said that the building was never abated and has lead and asbestos. He said that the elevator is a freight elevator, the parking area is small and the building is adjacent to a power plant whose future is unknown. He has a hard time believing that this building could be renovated for $1 million. Mr. Mangiafico added that there is a severe financial problem in this Town and the debt service is increasing 16% year over year. Mr. Rosenthal offered to withdraw his motion until we have more information. Mr. Mangiafico would like a study on  this building and the costs and options. Mr. Rosenthal noted that a grant will be coming in for Litchfield Halls and other buildings and that we could study other buildings to see if one would be more suitable. He said that perhaps part of the $600,000 could be spent on a study.

Mr. Marks said that he has heard nothing about servicing the seniors’ needs, only about putting them in a box by putting them in this building. You seem to be forgetting about putting them where the action is. Five years ago we talked about Kent House, but this was dropped because the Board of Ed was not interested. The Seniors, Parks and Recreation and teens deserve the same consideration that the Board of Ed had with Kent House. If a decision is based strictly on dollars and cents, the seniors might as well stay where they are. Ms. Yoakum said that she would not want to be there. There is nothing there for the youth and seniors.

Mr. Rodgers feels that P&R and the Commission on Aging have done a good job working together for a joint building. He said that we are talking about closely examining this building but we have a $40 million school project that was not so closely examined.

Mr. Borst said that the building on Trades Lane is a warehouse and could probably be better used by the schools and Highway for storage. There is a lot of asbestos and freezers and boilers that would have to be removed. He feels that we should proceed with this resolution.

Mr. Rosenthal amended the resolution to delete “demolition of Litchfield Hall” and insert “demolition of  buildings.” Second by Mr. Borst.

Vote on main motion 2 YES (Borst, Rosenthal). 1 NO (Mangiafico).

Tax Refunds. Selectman Mangiafico moved to approve Tax Refund #12 for February 2008 in the amount of $24,268.01. Second by Selectman Borst and unanimously carried.

Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk Pro Tem